Produkte von Timoore
About us
The idea of creating Timoore collection has been entirely spontaneous. Each of us is a parent and each of us looks for products which would satisfy needs of our children.
From the first day perceiving the world begins with the nearest surrounding. Things around us in our childhood have an enormous impact the way we will see reality in the future. We have desired to create for our children SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL, SOMETHINGPRACTICAL, SOMETHING FUNNY, but over all SOMETHING UNIQUE. Hence our ideas are unique as our children. No compromises! Children deserve the best. These principles have been our guidelines during creation of the Timoore collection. From the conceptual drawings to the final stage of packaging we have been aware of our mission. Timoore furniture is a range of items which supports children’s development. That's why the collection is safe, nice and modern. TIMOORE IS SOMETHING UNIQUE.
Design principles - this stage of work is the most important one. We need to analyse the main issues concerning the project. Furthermore, there are established (technological, economical, marketing etc.) principles in scope of which the designer will move when drawing certain elements of the collection.